Christmas Services December 2024
Each Sunday 10 am - Advent Services
Wednesday Mass 10 am as usual
Thursday 19th Christingle and crib service 5 pm
Sunday 22nd Candlelit Carol Service 5 pm followed by refreshments.
Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve - Midnight Mass 11.15 pm
Wednesday 25th - Christmas Day 10 am
Sunday 29th 10 am The Holy Family
Sunday January 5th 2025 The Epiphany of the Lord
Wednesday Mass 10 am as usual
Thursday 19th Christingle and crib service 5 pm
Sunday 22nd Candlelit Carol Service 5 pm followed by refreshments.
Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve - Midnight Mass 11.15 pm
Wednesday 25th - Christmas Day 10 am
Sunday 29th 10 am The Holy Family
Sunday January 5th 2025 The Epiphany of the Lord
Happy Christmas from St Michael's
Christmas has always been a wonderful time for me. Even in the post war years of the early 1950s when we were still rationed and quite poor, it was a time of much family fun and celebration. Christmas Carols, midnight mass at my church in Cable Street, Stepney, Christmas chicken (couldn’t afford Turkey) and all the family gathering at Grandad’s in the afternoon and on in to the evening with singing and dancing until the small hours. It was so special. However, nobody ever said ‘Christmas is for the children’. It wasn’t and isn’t. Christmas is for all of us unless, of course, we have chosen to reject or ignore it. I like to think that we all try to be kind to each other and to our neighbours all the time but most especially, at Christmas, it is important to realise that some people don’t have family and friends and may welcome a card or even an invitation or visit.
In our country there are many people of religions different to Christianity who celebrate their own festivals with great enthusiasm, which is wonderful. Christianity and the Christmas story are part of the culture and history of our own country and I hope you will celebrate it either religiously or culturally –or both. The story of the birth of Jesus and the wonderful carols we sing are intended to uplift us and remind us that (though some people are not nice) most of us are kind and loving people and that the Christ child reminds us that in our world and in each other God has given us something wonderful.
I mentioned Christmas and children. As a child, I had a wonderful time looking forward to Santa (I prefer to call him Saint Nicholas!) and presents. As I got older, I still loved Christmas but the ability to give and to go to Church to say thank you became more important. So, I still see Christmas through the wonder of a child and put out my stocking whilst recognising my need to say thank you and to celebrate. I know that there will be opportunities in the Parish Church and in the Baptist Church to celebrate, so I hope that this community of Thorpe-le-Soken will feel able to come together, as we did on Remembrance Sunday, and celebrate. If religion is not your thing, I still hope and pray that you will have a happy time.
On three occasions, I have had the wonderful joy of visiting the Holy Shrine of Bethlehem where tradition has it that Jesus was born. I cannot easily describe the beautiful sense of peace and holiness I experienced. Therefore, as well as praying for all of you and our people, I pray for the Peace of the Holy land and the Holy City of Bethlehem
Father Nicholas and myself send you our warmest greetings and blessings this Christmastide.
Father Richard
In our country there are many people of religions different to Christianity who celebrate their own festivals with great enthusiasm, which is wonderful. Christianity and the Christmas story are part of the culture and history of our own country and I hope you will celebrate it either religiously or culturally –or both. The story of the birth of Jesus and the wonderful carols we sing are intended to uplift us and remind us that (though some people are not nice) most of us are kind and loving people and that the Christ child reminds us that in our world and in each other God has given us something wonderful.
I mentioned Christmas and children. As a child, I had a wonderful time looking forward to Santa (I prefer to call him Saint Nicholas!) and presents. As I got older, I still loved Christmas but the ability to give and to go to Church to say thank you became more important. So, I still see Christmas through the wonder of a child and put out my stocking whilst recognising my need to say thank you and to celebrate. I know that there will be opportunities in the Parish Church and in the Baptist Church to celebrate, so I hope that this community of Thorpe-le-Soken will feel able to come together, as we did on Remembrance Sunday, and celebrate. If religion is not your thing, I still hope and pray that you will have a happy time.
On three occasions, I have had the wonderful joy of visiting the Holy Shrine of Bethlehem where tradition has it that Jesus was born. I cannot easily describe the beautiful sense of peace and holiness I experienced. Therefore, as well as praying for all of you and our people, I pray for the Peace of the Holy land and the Holy City of Bethlehem
Father Nicholas and myself send you our warmest greetings and blessings this Christmastide.
Father Richard
Regular Weekly worship 2024
Worship and Services
At St Michael's we seek to offer worship which is both dignified and accessible together with teaching which is faithful both to Scripture and Tradition. Everyone is welcome.
Also Mass most Wednesdays at 10a.m.
Also Mass most Wednesdays at 10a.m.